LOCATION: Durango, Colorado
BOUDOIR PARTIES?  Available Upon Request

Kara’s journey in boudoir started her senior year of college in 2013. Her senior year thesis was on female sexuality. The photography portion of her thesis focused on her own struggles with sexuality, not just orientation but female sexuality as a whole. “College was when I really discovered sexuality, and it was so confusing. I was a young woman, I felt society was telling me two different things that boiled down to you have to be sexy but not slutty and the line society had drawn between the two was not only thin but all over the place!”  Kara sees boudoir a safe place for sexuality, it is a place where only you get to define what is sexy, to feel powerful and confident without worrying about anyone else’s opinions. To remind ourselves that sexuality is a huge spectrum and you get to decide where you fall. You can find YOUR sexy, without feeling judgement, objectification or shame. When you choose boudoir, YOU define sexy.

STYLE OF PHOTOGRAPHY: Boudoir, Beauty/Glamour, Fine Art Nude
SHOOTING LOCATION: Home-Based Studio, Hotel, Outdoor Location
PRICING: Investment begins at $800.
Kara Cavalca

Kara Cavalca

Owner & Photographer

Hello! I'm Kara Cavalca, owner and lead photographer of Boho Chic Boudoir. I started my journey in female sexuality in college through my senior thesis and I am so excited to continue this journey now through Boudoir! Boudoir allows me to define sexy in my own terms, and I want to help give other women that power to help find and define what sexy is for themselves. Your session is your time to re-write the narrative, and I am here to help you illustrate it.


Website: bohochicboudoir.com
Email: kara@karacavalca.com
Blog: bohochicboudoir.com/blog


Facebook:  facebook.com/bohochicboudoir
Instagram:  @bohochicboudoir
Pinterest:  pinterest.com/karacavalca

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