Considering a boudoir shoot on Valentine’s Day?

Are you contemplating doing a boudoir photo shoot for Valentine’s Day this year? Well here’s a woman who knows a thing or two about sexy gifts, lingerie guru Ruth Brennan, to share with you her thoughts….

boudoir valentine's

Single This Valentine’s Day? Give Yourself the Gift of Boudoir Photography

Boudoir is a French term for a woman’s private room or bedroom, and boudoir photography features images taken in an intimate setting that highlight a woman’s unique beauty and sense of self.

Boudoir photography isn’t just about capturing beautiful pictures. It’s about celebrating and embracing yourself exactly how you are at this very moment. It highlights the beauty of the feminine form and reaches beyond age, weight, or bone structure. Posing for a boudoir session can be one of the most meaningful and memorable experiences you can give yourself.  

Here are a few reasons why you should consider boudoir photography this Valentine’s season:

Embrace Your Inner Goddess

Boudoir photography is about encouraging women to embrace and celebrate the sensual expression of themselves. If you don’t engage that aspect of your personality very often, it can be very powerful to remind yourself how gorgeous you are. You might find that the photography session reignites the spark within you.

Don’t forget that confidence is universally appealing. Everyone has insecurities, and sometimes we spend too much time focusing on what we don’t like about our bodies. Instead, why not focus on what you love about yourself and celebrate how it makes you feel.

Wearing beautiful lingerie inspires confidence, even if no one sees you in it. Before you book your boudoir session, treat yourself to a few beautiful pieces of lingerie as a lasting gift from your affirming experience.  

You’ll Look Amazing

Who doesn’t love a good glamour session? Many boudoir photographers offer professional hair and makeup services, which offers a chance to unwind before the session and indulge in a real treat. How often do we allow ourselves such a luxury in our busy lives? Make sure to schedule a night out with friends after your photography session to celebrate how amazing you look and feel.

Some people are more comfortable doing their own makeup and hair, which is perfectly fine as well. Treat yourself to a manicure and pedicure or visit a stylist to touch up your hair a few days before the shoot.

Boudoir photography is about the experience of being pampered, appreciated and seeing yourself through the eyes of another. It’s about honoring the beautiful, glamorous woman within every one of us.


Celebrate Your Single Life

Women choose boudoir photography for all sorts of reasons. It’s certainly a popular gift for a significant other, but more women are booking photo sessions solely for themselves. It can be a meaningful way to mark a milestone birthday, the arrival of a baby, or to celebrate a recent improvement to your life.

Valentine’s Day can be tough on single people, but it doesn’t have to be. Celebrate being a strong single woman and relish the terrific, rich life you have built for yourself.

Toss out the pre-conceived notions of what makes a good Valentine’s Day. You don’t need candy, flowers, or a fancy dinner to feel appreciated. Gather your single women friends and book a group photography session. You’ll leave feeling like you can conquer the world, and you might just be the envy of your non-single friends.

Do It Because It Scares You

Are you familiar with the saying life begins at the end of your comfort zone?

The boudoir experience can definitely mark the start of a new stage in life. We grow as people when we’re challenged, and that includes trying new things. That’s why it’s important to engage in things that make us feel a little uncomfortable. Sometimes it’s good to take a leap of faith, even if it terrifies you. The benefits of stepping out of your comfort zone are well worth it.

We easily fall into certain habits in our daily life, completing the same tasks at work or wearing the same hairstyle or outfits. Comfort and routine can make us stale; it can kill productivity and imagination.

When you stretch yourself and try something new, you’ll find a new appreciation for life again. Imagine the terrific sense of self-confidence and empowerment you will gain from sitting for boudoir portraiture.

Banish Your Body Issues

The most important thing is to embrace your inner beauty. Society has twisted the concept of beauty into something virtually unattainable, and the collective female body image has paid a steep price.

You are enough as you are. Not on a “skinny day.” Not after you get in shape. As you are now is enough, and that’s beautiful and a reason to celebrate.

With boudoir photography, you’re working with people who honestly and sincerely see you as beautiful, and do everything they can to make sure you see it as well. And, in looking through their eyes, you’ll see assets you perhaps never knew you had.

It’s Fine Art

Under the care of the photographer’s trained eye, boudoir photography is much more than just sexy pictures. It’s a work of art, worthy of hanging in a gallery, and you play the starring role. Plus, you have an amazing keepsake of your experience and a lifelong reminder of how beautiful you are.

Final Thoughts

Our initial instincts might conjure a dozen reasons why NOT to do a boudoir shoot. Perhaps you feel too shy, lack confidence or want to lose those final ten pounds. Boudoir photography, done purely for your own enjoyment, is an affirmation of seeing yourself as sensual, daring, and confident woman. We encourage you to swallow your fear and take the plunge. Women who’ve done so have invariably raved about their life-changing experience.

Written by Ruth Brennan, Owner of Little Bits of Lace. A lingerie story and boudoir photography believer! They have an online store as well as awesome boutique in Charleston, SC.