A dreamy Paris photo shoot…

boudoir photos paris divas garden sunny  Sexiness is different to everyone. It depends on your mood, maybe what you like to wear, or maybe even what you think is deemed a “sexy” location. Ask us and we will always say that Paris is the “sexiest” city in the world. Now onto the definition of boudoir photography, every photographers definition may vary, but for us, it’s sexy photos of a woman that make her feel incredible! So now combine our loose definition of sexy with our lovely definition of boudoir, and you might be able to say this video and images make the cut for this blog. Either way, we want to encourage women that boudoir photos doesn’t have to mean racy lingerie, or the lack of any lingerie, hee hee. You can take gorgeous sexy photos in a dress, or a sweater and jeans. And if you find a location that is a sexy too, well that’s is just icing on the cake! paris boudoir photographer louvre seine fashion boudoir-photos-paris-arc-triumph-notre-damn-fashion-gown-sexy